Welcome to Learnerspree
Learnerspree is an online educational platform where you can teach yourself how to code using examples and detailed explanations from instructors.
Currently, I am building modules for web development, namely HTML, CSS, JavaScript and an additional ReactJs. More frameworks will be added soon.
What Do You Want To Learn?
The following are the current modules available on the website.
Some of the documentation is incomplete and is being updated daily.
Learn HTML5
Learn the markup language of the web, how to structure elements on your website or web app, and how to use proper semantic tags to improve your search engine rankings.
Learn CSS3
Learn how to make your HTML skeleton appealing by applying beautiful styles and animations with CSS3.
Learn JavaScript
Learn the scripting language of the web, how to add interactivity to your website, handle form submissions, communicate with your server or database.
Learn Node.js
Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment, runs on the V8 JavaScript Engine, and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Learn ReactJs
React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components.
Learn React Native
React Native is an open-source UI software framework created by Meta Platforms, Inc. It is used to develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP by enabling developers to use the React framework along with native platform capabilities.
Build Real World Projects
Build Real World Projects that will help you gain coding experience such as website layouts, responsive design, aesthetic design, and programming workflow.
Basics Of Cybersecurity
Learn the Basics of Cyber security. Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
Learn Transcription
Transcription, or transcribing, is the process of converting speech from an audio or video recording into text.
I am currently looking for collaborators or contributors who are willing to spend their time and energy to create documentations / modules / lessons for languages and frameworks that are currently not available on the website. For example:
- Tailwind CSS
- Angular JS
- VueJs
- Handlebars HTML Framework
- Elixir
- Python